God's Manifestation Resources

Some Cayce quotes to get you started:

Hence ye would study to show thyself approved unto thy concept of thy God. What IS thy God? Let each answer that within self. What IS thy God? Where is He, what is He? Then ye may find yourselves lacking in much. How personal is He? Not as Moses painted a God of wrath; not as David painted a God that would fight thine enemies; but as the Christ – the Father of love, of mercy, of justice.  (262-100)

(Q)  If God is impersonal force or energy -
(A)  (Interrupting)  He IS impersonal; but as has just been given, so VERY personal!  It is not that ye deal only with IMPERSONAL - it is WITHIN AND WITHOUT!  It is IN and WITHOUT, and only as God QUICKENETH the spirit within, by the use, by the application of the God-force within to mete it out to others.   (1158-12)

(Q)  Is it correct when praying to think of God as impersonal force or energy, everywhere present; or as an intelligent listening mind, which is aware of every individual on earth and who intimately knows everyone's needs and how to meet them?
(A)  Both!  For He is also the energies in the finite moving in material manifestation.  He is also the Infinite, with the awareness.  And thus as ye attune thy own consciousness, thy own awareness, the unfoldment of the presence within beareth witness with the presence without.  And as the Son gave, "I and my Father are one," then ye come to know that ye and thy Father are one, as ye abide in Him.  Thus we find the manifestations of life, the manifestations of energy, the manifestations of power that MOVES in material, are the representation, the manifestation of the Infinite God.  (1158-14)

Yet as we look into the infinity of space and time we realize there is then that force, that influence also that is aware of the needs, and there is also that will, that choice given to the souls of men that they may be used, that they may be one, that they may apply same in their own feeble, weak ways perhaps; yet that comes to mean, comes to signify, comes to manifest in the lives of those that have lost their way, that very influence ye seek in the knowledge of God. For until ye become as a savior, as a help to some soul that has lost hope, lost its way, ye do not fully comprehend the God within, the God without.  (1158-14)

In the manner, the way ye attend, ye treat or ye hold – in thy mental self - thy brother's position, or thy neighbor's or thy friend's as thy own, that is the manner, the concept ye hold of thy Creator!  (1603-1)

For these are the immutable laws. For thy Father-God is within self and without. Then as ye treat thy fellow man, ye are treating thy Maker. (3198-3)

For each soul's expression in the earth is to be a channel through which Creative Forces or God may be made the greater manifest in the experience of those an individual contacts from day to day. So Life in all its experiences is a practical application of the concept of God or Creative Energy in the lives of individuals as they deal with their associations. (1206-3)

Then what are you grumbling about because you dislike your mother? She dislikes you as much, but change this into love. Be kind, be gentle, be patient, be longsuffering, for if thy God was not longsuffering with thee, what chance would you have?  (5081-1)

How beautiful the face, how lovely the clouds! In His presence abide; ye EVERY ONE of you are before Him just now. His face is turned toward thee, His heart and hand is offered you. Will ye not accept Him just now? How glorious the knowledge of His presence should awaken in the hearts of you, for He is LONELY without thee; for He has called each of you by name. Will ye fail Him now?  (254-76)

For materiality IS - or matter IS - that demonstration and manifestation of the units of positive and negative energy, or electricity, or God. (412-9)

And as the electrical vibrations are given, know that Life itself - to be sure - is the Creative Force or God, yet its manifestations in man are electrical - or vibratory. Know then that the force in nature that is called electrical or electricity is that same force ye worship as Creative or God in action! (1299-1)

For it is not by chance that any individual soul enters, but that God hath need of thee at this time. They, then, who begin to pity themselves or wonder what it is all about, lose the real purpose of love: that ye may make manifest the love He hath chosen to give thee.  (5149-1)

(Q) Why is it that I have faced eminent death from 9 to 14 times?
(A) This might be answered in many different ways. We find it would be given like this: God hath need of thee among those that seek to aid their fellow man. Do not overtax thine own energies, but rather let His purposes be COMPLETE in thee, as to that service ye may render others who sincerely seek to contribute to the better welfare of their fellow man. In other words, God hath need of thee – in the EARTH plane – as yet.  (3056-1)

One that fills the mind, the very being, with an expectancy of God will see His movement, His manifestation, in the wind, the sun, the earth, the flowers, the inhabitant of the earth; and so as is builded in the body, is it to gratify just an appetite, or is it taken to fulfill an office that will the better make, the better magnify, that the body, the mind, the soul, has chosen to stand for? and it will not matter so much what, where, or when -but knowing that it is consistent with that – that is desired to be accomplished through that body!  (341-31)

For the love of nature grows, and is akin to God.  For all nature manifests life, and life IS the manifestation of God.  (1968-1)

For, the entity was only just coming to that awareness of beauty of associations, of friendships, of the beautiful outdoors, nature, flowers, birds, and of God's manifestations to man of the beauty, of the oneness of purpose with individual activities in nature itself … (3162-1)

But in the present the gain may be the greater if there will be set within self rather the spiritual ideal, and let others do as they may, but as for self – it will hold fast to that which is good; which means doing good to others, in little ways, in preferences, in gentlenesses, in kindnesses, even when these may be questioned by others… That these in self may find expression in the animal kingdom, in its beginnings, may not be amiss. For Life as it manifests, whether in the grass, the rose, the tree, the dog, the cat, the bird, the animal, IS a manifestation of that ye worship as God.  (1367-1)

… more and more that desire which is latent and manifested in the present of wanting to be quiet, to be close to nature, to keep close to God in the manifestations in nature.  (2988-2)

For, the peoples then understood – even better than they do today – how that the heavens declare the glory of God, and as to how nature SINGS His praises in the rebirth at each period, each cycle, for its unfoldment and growth; as manifested in entities that are – as man – a manifestation of HIS love in the earth.  (2438-1)